Paso Fino Horses Westwind Ranch
Quality Paso Fino Horses for Show, Pleasure & Trail
Paso Fino Horses
Paso Fino HorsesPaso Fino Horses
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Paso Fino Horses
Paso Fino Horses

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About Us

Sarah Oswald, Trainer

Sarah Oswald - Paso Fino TrainerSarah Oswald is our trainer at Westwind Ranch. An accomplished equestrian, she has been riding and competing on horses since the age of six. Before being introduced to Paso Fino horses, she rode Quarter Horses and Paints, successfully competing in regional shows. Demonstrating her devotion and versatility as a horsewoman and trainer, she mastered a variety of disciplines and earned the reputation for turning out fine horses.

Sarah was introduced to Paso Fino horses when she was recommended for a position on the largest Paso Fino ranch in North America. Under the tutelage of third-generation Paso Fino trainer, Alberto Sierra, she spent almost a year learning and riding Paso Fino horses in all stages of training. Since then, Sarah has been showing Paso Fino horses in regional shows on the West Coast, continuing her reputation as a successful competitor and trainer.

Cindy Oswald, Owner

Throughout the years, my desire to own the "ideal" horse went through many transitions before "discovering" the Paso Fino. It has been a long journey and the search has ended and yet, begins one of the most rewarding experiences in my 35 year career in the horse business.

Cindy Oswald - Westwind Ranch OwnerThe journey grew, changed and evolved. It began from a childhood dream and a horse-crazy little girl in Connecticut who cleaned stables and pushed a wheelbarrow through deep snow to "earn" an hour on a horse at a public stable. In 1968 I moved to California with my family, where I competed with jumpers before moving to Idaho in 1975 and finally, opened my own boarding and training facility.

I have successfully competed in dressage and three-day eventing for eight years, rode Quarter Horses and Paints in Western and English events and later bred, raised and trained cutting and reining horses. I was invited to instruct clinics, judge horse shows and served as a sales consultant.

My students successfully competed in the American Junior Quarter Horse World Finals, as well as in local shows in western pleasure, hunt seat, jumping, trail, three-day eventing and reining.

After more than eighteen years in this location, the "city" moved in on us and desiring more space, we moved to our current location in Athol, Idaho.

The first time I rode a Paso Fino, I was hooked for life. It was the horse of my dreams, and yet, more than my dreams. The experience of feeling their power and the speed and rhythm of their feet left me speechless!

The Paso Fino has a proud, courageous way of going, a strong desire to please and incredible stamina. They are a beautiful breed and make you feel beautiful. They are intelligent, athletic, exciting and most of all, comfortable! I can ride all day and not be hurting later!

There is not a day goes by that I do not feel awed. Each time I ride, I re-discover the magic they create.


  Westwind Ranch Paso Finos
E. 14900 Twete Road
Athol, Idaho 83801

Phone: (208) 683-6062
Fax: (208) 683-4119

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Westwind Ranch
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